Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does Making Music Matters work?
A. Small group, instrumental music lessons are taught in the school during the school day. Instruments offered are clarinet, flute, trumpet, and violin. 3rd graders play all four instruments throughout the school year. 4th and 5th graders choose one instrument to play. Returning 5th graders will play the same instrument they played in 4th grade, as they are in a lesson with others who have already played that instrument. 6th graders in our pilot program play in an ensemble experience. Lessons are free. Making Music Matters handles logistics of instrument rental and maintenance, and families pay what they can to rent them through Making Music Matters.
Q. Is enrollment required? If so, how do I enroll my eligible child in Making Music Matters? And is there a cost?
A. ENROLLMENT IS REQUIRED. If Making Music Matters does not receive enrollment for a student, there will not be a record of the student and an instrument will not be issued. To enroll your eligible child in Making Music Matters, go to the Enroll section of this website and select the form for the school your child attends. You will need to complete two parts. The first part is where you will provide information about your child and contact details. The second part is where you will pay for your child's instrument rental. The suggested rental amount is $50 for the school year, as that is what it costs Making Music Matters to rent and maintain your child's instrument(s) throughout the school year. There are other payment amount options if the $50 is a financial burden or if you would like to help another student. The rest of Making Music Matters is no cost to participants.
Q. Who is eligible to participate in Making Music Matters?
A. Our school partners are in the Boston Public Schools. Eligible students this year are 3rd-6th grade students at the Kilmer School, Mozart School, Ohrenberger School and Philbrick School. Additionally, experienced 7th grade students at the Kilmer School are eligible.
Q. I'd like to enroll my child in Making Music Matters, but I'm not comfortable paying for the instrument rental online. Is there another way I can pay?
A. We do not recommend sending cash to school with a student, as it can become lost or stolen. If you would like to pay with cash after you complete the first part of the enrollment online, please put it in a sealed envelope that is clearly marked with MAKING MUSIC MATTERS, and the child's name, grade, and classroom teacher's name, and hand deliver it to the school office.
Q. When will Making Music Matters lessons start for the 2024-2025 school year?
A. Most lessons at all of our schools will began the first week of October. The 6th grade program at the Ohrenberger School began mid-October. The 6th/7th grade program at the Kilmer School began the first week of November.
Q. Do Making Music Matters students have performances? If so, when?
A. Yes! Our 3rd grade students have in-school performances at the end of each of the four instrument rotations. The performances take place during the school day. Our 4th and 5th grade students have two in-school performances during the school day, and one all-school evening performance in March that takes place at a venue other than our schools. We are planning special performances for our 6th/7th grade ensemble pilot students this year.
Q. What happens if a student loses a Making Music Matters instrument?
A. If a student loses their instrument, they should report it immediately to their instructor, school office or other Making Music Matters staff.
Q. What happens if there is a problem with a Making Music Matters instrument?
A. If an instrument breaks, the student should bring it to their instructor on their lesson day. There should be no attempt for a student, friend or family member to fix an instrument that isn't working properly.
Q. How should Making Music Matters students practice their instruments when they are not in lessons?
A. Students who take their instruments home are encouraged to practice at home each week. Instructors offer guidance on what students should practice. Students should play something they enjoy each time they practice. Making Music Matters has an extensive online video library of lessons recorded by our instructors available to view at no cost. Some of the videos don't even require an instrument.
Q. What happens if my child is enrolled in Making Music Matters and leaves the school or program?
A. When a child leaves Making Music Matters, their instrument must be returned. They can give it to their classroom teacher to return to Making Music Matters. ANY INSTRUMENT RENTAL FEES PAID ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
Q. How can I bring Making Music Matters to my school?
A. Making Music Matters serves students in the Boston Public Schools. If you are interested in your BPS school becoming a Making Music Matters partner, please contact us.