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Upcoming In-School Performances
Philbrick 3rd Grade - Wed, Jan 22, 9:45 am
Kilmer 3rd Grade - Wed, Jan 22, 11:30 am
Mozart 3rd Grade - Thu, Jan 23, 11:30 am
Ohrenberger 3rd Grade - Fri, Jan 24, 9:00 am
* clarinets, flutes, trumpets, violins, trombones, saxophones, violas, cellos, instrument cases, supplies
As a non-profit, Making Music Matters depends on the generosity of individuals, companies, and foundations to facilitate our mission of providing lessons for children in our community.
Each donation, great or small, is a step toward providing these crucial services.
Did you know we also accept instrument donations? Consider donating your instrument today to help a future virtuoso learn their first notes.
Through collaborative school-based and donor-funded partnerships, we are committed to ensuring equity of access to quality, in-school music education to children in Boston.
Our inclusive enrollment is deliberately designed to bring the gift of music to all of our students. We pledge to provide a vibrant arts experience and encourage a life-long love of music.
"I like everything about participating in Making Music Matters because I love music and dreamed of learning to play, but never knew how."
- MMM 4th-Grade Student
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